Monday, February 18, 2013

Grammar Lessons That Most Often Forgotten

What is the forgotten lesson Grammar?

Grammar lessons or structure is often a scourge for students in schools. Apparently after learning English intense and serious, I found no material that is forgotten when newbies want to learn English.

I do not intend to get in the criticism of the English language materials that already exist. But I just want to share what I have experienced when first learning English. And hopefully you can take benefit.

Here are the materials I mean. THE PART OF SPEECH "Portions word in the English language". Sometimes as a beginner, many people instantly learn about tenses or grammar to another. While the parts of speech they do not know.

Immediately, Parts of speech are divided into 8 pieces collected in PANCAVI P.

Pronoun: pronouns examples: I, You, they, we, she, he, it
Adjective: adjective examples: smart, beautiful, diligent, lazy, etc.
Noun: a noun example: chair, wall, floor, table
Conjunction: an example conjunctions: and, when, but
Adverb: an adverb example: here, there, yesterday
Verb: a verb example: go, eat, drink, blink
Interjection: interjection examples: Oh My God!, Watch Out! (Awas!)
Preposition: example prepositions: in, on, at

May be useful

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